Saturday, September 7, 2019

Slingshot 325 is posted out ...

... and should land in your postboxes shortly.  Here is a list of the contents with the cover picture.



(Well, actually, not this time.  Sorry again.)

The Berrovieri - by Duncan Head

Telamon in 28mm with DBMM - by Bob Robertson

Nestrocque! - by Anthony Clipsom

Not a boy left alive - the attack on the English baggage at Agincourt - by Anthony Clipsom

Wargaming Cannae - by Chris Hahn

Recruiting Agamemnon's army - by Gavin Pearson

How manoeuvrable were infantry? - by Justin Swanton

Slingshot Book & Game Reviews

1 comment:

  1. Original title of the submitted article on Cannae was "Considerations of Cannae". While I do report on two recent attempts to wargame the well known battle, I also looked at previous attempts published in previous issues of Slingshot. The original title has an alliterative "ring" to it. The changed title, as is the purview of the editor, does not.

