At the end October Peter Garnett stepped down after two seasons of invaluable service as Society of Ancients Membership Secretary. Chris Helm has volunteered to take on this key role, and joins the Committee with immediate effect. A big welcome to Chris - whom some of you may have met as part of the Shows North team at Fiasco.
The Society's warmest thanks are due to Peter, who took over as Membership Secretary in our hour of need. We wish him the very best of luck. Web-based contacts for Memberships and Postal Sales are already redirected to Chris ... other contact details will be announced in the next issue of Slingshot.

(Paddy Griffith, as remembered by the Doormouse)
The John Westwood Trophy
It was with a unanimous decision that the 2010 Committee awarded the John Westwood Trophy for outstanding achievements in ancient and medieval history and wargaming set therein to the late Paddy Griffith in recognition of his remarkable life long contribution to military history and historical wargames.
The awarding of the prize was announced at the celebrated historian's memorial event at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst on November 6th.
For more on the event, there are links on my P.B.Eye-candy page...

The Paul Morris Memorial Prize
During a quiet interlude at this year's Fiasco show at Leeds, President of the Society of Ancients, Phil Steele, was able to present 2009 Paul Morris Memorial Prize winner, James Roach, with the ceremonial axe. The Paul Morris Memorial Prize is awarded annually to the most innovative non-commercial wargame set within the periods of the Society's remit.
The Committee is always happy to hear nominations and citations, although the Committee cannot engage in playtesting and evaluation, so consideration normally goes to wargames released publicly or on show at events and conventions.
Phil Steele
The Society of Ancients