Slingshot 307 is currently with the printers and will appear shortly.
Arming the Slaves, by Richard Andrews It’s a Long Way to Tibareni (4), by Alastair McBeath The ‘Drunken One’ at Campaign 2016, by Steve Rathgay Actium Naval Rules, by Harry Ryder Pharsalus Battle Day Reports
Pharsalus in Japan, by Aaron Bell
Pharsalus with ‘To The Strongest!’, by Paul Innes
Pharsalus using ‘Scutarii’, by Bill Butler
Hannibal Triumphs! - ‘Mortem et Gloriam’, by Richard Jeffrey-Cook Another Consideration of Chaeronea, by Chris Hahn a free ebook on the development of the Roman army from obscurity
until later Republican times, written by Kenneth Haynes, a long-term SoA
contributor. Containing illustrations and diagrams, it is available in
ePub and MOBI formats here.