Thursday, November 9, 2023

Slingshot 348 is with the printers ...


 ... and should be dropping into your mailbox anyday now!  Here is the cover picture, together with a list of the contents and a short summary of each article.

"You've got to know when to hold 'em.  Know when to fold 'em.
Know when to walk away.  And know when to run."













Society Notices

Politics*, money and elections.  (*Well, the committee.  So not really politics.  More like a friendly scuffle on the steps of the Senate.)


The Editor reflects on a year in the chair. 

Wargaming News

News about new figures!  News about new rules!  News about new books!  And Christmas coming up.  So just in time.

Gaugamela - Deployment and Plans Part One by Damien Baxter

The purpose of this article, and I quote: "is to understand the deployments and plans of both sides at Gaugamela so as to undertake a tabletop game" of the battle.  Oh yes!  How does it go?  "Bring me my Bows (8Bw, preferably), my rules unfold.  Bring me my chariots with scythes."  Or something like that.

Adrianople 378AD using Armati Rules (SOA Battle Day 2022) by Roy Boss and Matt Bennett

Adrianople was once held to be a ‘Decisive Battle of the Western World’.  To have introduced the mounted knight to the battlefield.  To have been the levering away of the keystone that held up the Roman Empire and to have been the forerunner of the introduction of a virile Germanic strain to what would become the nations of the West who would go on to dominate the world.  Yeah, OK, let's go with Roy and Matt and take a look under the hood.

Wargaming in the British Heroic Age (A Dying Light in Britannia Part 4) by Dave Hollin

Here is the next part of Dave's series of articles on the Late/Post-Roman period of British History up to and including the death of Cadwallon of Gwynedd (635AD).  Particularly interesting for me as it includes a very helpful review of possible rulesets for the period as brief coverage of the more important battles.

A Society Convention 2023 Battle Report by John Drewienkiewicz

Both last year and this year John and co. ran a knockout Command and Colors Ancients Game at the Society's Annual Convention at Madingley. Not a hugely sophisticated game but one that’s easy to pick up and with results obtained in about 75 minutes.  Read on to find out how it was organised and how it played out.

The Society of Ancients Convention 2023- an overview report by Simon MacDowall

An interesting run through and overview of the various activities going on at this year's convention, together with some very nice eye candy.

Magnesia on My Mind by Chris Hahn

What would a history of wargaming the 190 BC contest between the outnumbered Roman and Pergamene army under Lucius Cornelius Scipio and the outclassed as well as eclectic Seleucid army led by King Antiochus III (sometimes called “Antiochus the Great”) look like? What format or structure would it have? Would it be organized chronologically ... Read on to enjoy this fascinating take by Chris on how the battle has been gamed over the years!

Empire (a Society of Ancients boardgame) - run through game by John Graham-Leigh

Otherwise titled 'Empire, “A very simple game”.  But don't let that fool you.  By recounting a brief, solo play-through, John provides an enjoyable introduction to a very clever and versatile game which is still a frequent purchase from the Society web-store.

Tactica 2 Games - Part 3 - Neo Assyrians vs Neo Babylonians by Simon Watson

Simon and friends continue to rewrite Biblical history with the help of Arty Conliffe's Tactica 2 rules.

Slingshot Book, Game & Figure Reviews 

Including reviews of:

Three Ages of Rome, rules review by Dave Hollin

Peter Pig Parthian Peltasts, figure review by Steven Neate

Lancer Miniatures Greek Psiloi, figure review by Duncan Head

The Trojan War - Tragedy and Aftermath, book review by Jim Webster

The Perfect Sword - Forging the Dark Ages, book review by Duncan Head

Armies of Anglo-Saxon England 410 - 1066, book review by Dave Hollin

And Finally

A postscript from the Editor!