The Society of Ancients will be attending Claymore in Edinburgh on Saturday 1st August, at its new venue, Telford College. More space and fresher air are promised at the bigger venue.
Members of Glasgow's Phoenix Wargaming club will be running a version of the big 25mm Battle of Callinicum game which they put together for the Scottish contribution to the Society of Ancients BattleDay earlier this year. The game, originally played on the sandtable pictured, uses Tactica II rules. Please come along and get involved as we reconstruct this key border encounter between the Eastern Roman Empire and their Sassanian neighbours.
The Shows North team will be supporting the game with a full range of Society publications and the membership stand, so there will be an opportunity to meet and chat, as well as pick up any SoA material you need, join or renew your subscription - or just enjoy the game and browse the highly praised 'new look' Slingshots.
More on Shows North (here ...)
Details for Claymore (here ...)
More on the Callinicum game (here ...)
Phil Steele
The Society of Ancients