Saturday, December 28, 2019

Society news & other items of (possible) interest to members as of: December 2019

There's an interesting discussion going on over at the Fanaticus Forum (where the focus is anything even vaguely to do with DBA), concerning the Plastic Soldier Company's plans to start releasing a series of 15mm ancients ranges early in the new year.  Read it here.

Some further thoughts on playing 'Commands and Colors Medieval', this time from Richard aka Doctor Phalanx.  This is beginning to sound like another game that I should get access to, the only question being how I can do that without reducing investment elsewhere?  Hmmm, decisions, decisions.

And talking of medieval (well, early Medieval, as the cognoscenti would have it now), some of Victrix' forthcoming Dark Age & Ancient ranges are previewed over at Beasts of War.  My advice is don't look, it won't end well for your wallet.

Meanwhile, at Paul´s Bods blog, here's a little something for those of a certain age (i.e. much the same age as me) - a wonderful series of conversions from the Airfix Robin Hood and Sherrif of Nottingham sets.  Looking at the picture of Paul's initial pile of figures I'm reminded that I have almost exactly the same set of figures languishing in my own spares box (right down to the Roman auxiliary archer).

Maybe that's enough about figures but what about some new rules.  Here, over at the Wargaming Miscellany blog, is a review (well, more just a mention) of Graham Evans' relatively recently published rules 'To Ur is Human', a set of rules focussed entirely on the wars of Sumerian Mesopotamia.  A topic about which even Michael Caine knows little.  So maybe one for the specialist round in your New Year quiz?

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Slingshot 327 is being posted out ...

... and should land in your postboxes in the next few days!  Here is the cover picture, together with a list of the contents and a short summary of each article.

'Come any nearer and I'll throw it, I'm warning you!'




Gerald the Great on Battleaxe Hill: Part 2

Mick Hession concludes his fascinating analysis of warfare in 16th century Ireland, with a focus on the battle of Knockdoe  ...

Wargaming Knockdoe

... and then gives some insights on how it can be recreated as a wargame using DBMM.

When the Going Gets Tough

A thread on the Society’s forum prompted David Kay to consider the role of terrain and its representation on the wargames table, and to suggest aspects for further investigation or discussion.

(Perhaps a timely article?  Does terrain on ancient wargames tables sometimes seem to lean towards 'sparse'?  If so, does this reflect a degree of terrain phobia among gamers or is making terrain just another job that's hard to get to the top of the lead pile?)

Paraitakene with Big Battle DBA

Paul Murgatroyd suggests that Big Battle DBA hits the sweet spot between the panorama of a large game and the playing speed of a small one, even for complex armies.  He also explains how and why.

The Chronicles of the Teutonic Knights

No, not by Dan Brown but even better, the only English translation of the little-known 'Chronicle of the Prussian Lands' (by Peter von Dusburg), which is the oldest account of the origins and spread of the Teutonic Knights.  Translation by Elaine Graham-Leigh with comments by Paul Stein.

Carthage vs Rome with Hail Caesar

What it says on the tin and illustrated with some great looking photos of a very attractive battlefield (almost an echo of points made in David Kay's article).  By the way, don't be worried by the pictures, I'm sure no Teddy bears were harmed during the making of the terrain. Article by Steven Neate.

The Continuing Story of DBM

Despite being considered old school by many, DBM remains a popular ruleset that has stood the test of time. John Graham-Leigh gives some reasons for that longevity.

The Play’s the Thing

A wonderful piece of one-to-many counselling, from Gordon Lawrence, for those of us (well me, for sure) who suffer from wargamer-modeller's catagelophobia (particularly, for wargamer's, the fear of not meeting the required standard of painting and basing).

Slingshot Book & Game Reviews

Covering 'The Last Years of the Teutonic Knights', 'The Great Illyrian Revolt', Roman Legionaries: Soldiers of Empire' and 'Ancient Dynasties: The Families that Ruled the Classical  World'.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Society news & other items of (possible) interest to members as of: November 2019

Over at the 'Ancient & Medieval Wargaming' blog there are some nicely illustrated, recent reports of a variety of battles, fought using De Bellis Antiquitatis (DBA), with the odd diversion.  For those with an interest in the ancient period (you know who you are) and those who, like me, love Marmite, er sorry, DBA, Seleucid Adventures and Rise of the Celts are well worth a read.
While over at 'Steven's Balagan', Steven Thomas adds to the discussion on the pros and cons of DBA v 3 that was started by Joe Collins in Slingshot 324.

Many of you will probably already know that the Yahoo Groups system is closing, for all practical purposes, this year.  This is a shame as many wargames groups were hosted on the platform. Fortunately all is not lost.  Many of the groups are migrating to other platforms with most that I have been involved with migrating to  The simplest way to find where your group has gone is to visit it at its old address on Yahoo Groups and look for news of any migration in the recent conversations.  A good example is the old Tactica group (see, I don't only ever think of DBA) which was found here TACTICA Ancients Miniatures Rules  but can now be found here .
An interesting review and playtest of Commands & Colors: Medieval over at the Palouse Wargaming Journal ..... and while you're there, take a look at this wonderful eye candy, a Celtic warband in all its glory.  Based for Impetus.  Figures by Crusader Miniatures.

Those of a literary bent, who actually do proper research and background reading (which let's me out), can find a thoughtful review of  'The Great Illyrian Revolt', written by Jason R. Abdale over at Thomo's Hole.

Finally, over at Beasts of War, a preview of some phenomenal 28mm sculpts of Persian Immortals, due for release from Footsore Miniatures & Games and some English longbowmen from Claymore Castings

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Slingshot 326 is posted out ...

... and should land in your postboxes shortly.  Here is a list of the contents with the cover picture.



The Campaigns of Kwanggaeto the Great - by Nicholas Spratt

A fascinating dive into a very interesting period frrom early Chinese history (Han dynasty), with some great maps and material that could provide the basis for a campaign game.
Paraitakene in California Times Three - by William Butler

A great write up of three very big refights of Paraitekene from the Sunshine State.
Setting up a Painting Station - by Mark Grindlay

Some really useful tips on how to improve painting productivity by making the most effective use of whatever limited space you have. 
Gerald the Great on Battleaxe Hill: Part 1 - by Mick Hession

Mayhem in late medieval / early renaissance Ireland from Mick Hession.

Rue the Day - by Anthony Clipsom

An interesting, small scale Welsh Wars game from Anthony Clipsom that presents a useful scenario and good ideas about adapting Daniel Mersey's 'Dux Bellorum' Dark Ages rules set to a later period.

Revenge of the Scythians - by Chris Hahn

Chris Hahn presents some very helpful ideas on how to translate an historical scenario from it's original period to another, to provide a fresh take on a familiar battle.

Slingshot Book and Game Reviews

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Slingshot 325 is posted out ...

... and should land in your postboxes shortly.  Here is a list of the contents with the cover picture.



(Well, actually, not this time.  Sorry again.)

The Berrovieri - by Duncan Head

Telamon in 28mm with DBMM - by Bob Robertson

Nestrocque! - by Anthony Clipsom

Not a boy left alive - the attack on the English baggage at Agincourt - by Anthony Clipsom

Wargaming Cannae - by Chris Hahn

Recruiting Agamemnon's army - by Gavin Pearson

How manoeuvrable were infantry? - by Justin Swanton

Slingshot Book & Game Reviews

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Society news & other items of (possible) interest to members as of: July 2019

OK, I admit that it, this is very late for July as it's now the 8th of August.  Note to self, must do better.

Now that we have the grovelling out of the way, here are the items of possible interest.

First, over on Dale's Wargames blogspot, here's a short review of the ruleset 'Kings of War Historical', from Mantic games.

Next, over at 'Ancients on the Move', a brief but very interesting write up about the development of the Society's demo game of the Battle of Edgcote, from the Wars of the Roses.  Aptly as this year is the 550th anniversary.

For those FoG players with a competitive bent, the FoGAM rankings have been updated and are available over on the BHGS website.  Follow this link with your fingers crossed.

And not to be left out or outdone, similarly curious and courageous ADLG players can follow this link to find the equivalent for the ADLG rankings!

I've tried but I can't resist it.  Here's some eye candy to pause over.  Some (apparently old) Frei Korps 15 figures suitable for reworked as a phalanx of liberated slaves in the Pontic Army.  It's a great example of how good basing really sets of the figures.

Over at the Balkan Wargamer blogspot, Balkan Dave (aka Dave Watson) provides a short review and discussion of the book '1177BC - The year civilisation collapsed', by Eric H Cline.

Last but not least, here's a reminder that the Society of Ancients Conference is set for the 2nd - 3rd November 2019 at Chesford Grange Hotel, Kenilworth.  The Society is delighted to have author and historian Dr. Harry Sidebottom as the key note speaker for Conference.  Dr Sidebotham is Fellow and Director of Studies in Ancient History at St Benets Hall, Oxford and Lecturer in Ancient History at Lincoln College, Oxford, though he may be even better known to wargamers as the author of the Warriors of Rome novels, set in the Roman Empire during the so-called Great Crisis of the Third Century AD.  We can look forward to his address with great anticipation.  In addition there are lectures, presentations and participation games, with subjects ranging from the Battle of Adrianopolis to the Gangs of Rome and from Medieval Artillery Ballistics to the use of dice within wargames (dice not included).  Interested?  Find out more at the Society of Ancients website.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Society news & other items of (possible) interest to members as of: June 2019

For those of you with an interest in DBA, here's a link to Tony Aguilar's YouTube channel, which focusses almost exclusively on that ruleset The channel sports 69 videos on various DBA related topics, such as walk-throughs of games between various armies, tips on play, advice on making terrain, etc..

Shows and competitions coming up in the next month or so: ATTACK 2019 on 20/21 July 2019.  Venue: Devizes School, The Green, Southbroom Road, Devizes, SN10 3AG.  Full wargames show AND the 3rd round of the 2019 DBM Doubles League.  Rules: DBM 3.3.  Armies: any army from Books 1-4, 500AP (either the 2nd Edition DBM or revised DBMM list books, up to 1500 AD).  Game times: Saturday 09.30-12.45, 14.00-17.57; Sunday 09.00-12.15, 12.45-16.15.  Entry Fee £30.00 per team of 2 (singles accepted but have to pay the full fee).  Enter at Enquiries to: Philip Mackie Tel: 01380 725250 or E: Army lists to: John Graham-Leigh, 18 Westbury Leigh, Westbury, Wilts, BA13 3SG Email

Eye candy alert!  Over at the Lonely Gamers blog, Vinnie has posted some drool-over photos of 3rd Century Romans.  Figures from A&A Miniatures (  Painting by John Maguire.

Sorry, I'm behind the game with this next one, sigh.  As many of you will already know, the 2nd edition of Impetus (by Dadi & Piombo) was published earlier this year.  For a quick summary of the changes between the 1st and 2nd editions, follow this link.  For a brief look at a solo test play of the new rules (and some very nice pictures from the game) look here in the Miniature Addiction blog.

And one for the medievally nautical amongst us.  (Helloooo?)  Over at Paul's Bods, a look at  Zvezda's English Medieval Ship 'Thomas'.  Great looking model, made even more impressive by Paul's hand painted, heraldic sail.  Oh my.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Society news & other items of (possible) interest to members as of: May 2019

For those of you with an interest in the naval side of our period, here's a link to a brief but interesting and well illustrated after action report, written up by Dr Phalanx on his eponymous blog, which describes a fictional engagement between Octavian and Antonine fleets during the Roman Civil Wars.  The game was run using the Corvus v2 rules, which are available from the Society.

Sarmations, Sarmations, Sarmations.  Yes, I admit it, I had no other reason to add a link to Bennett Blalock-Doane's blog than that it is pure, unashamed eye-candy.  (Jealous?  Me?  Never.  Pass me my black undercoat.)

A couple of nice examples of 28mm Celtic figures from the Black Tree Design range, painted up by Jonathon Freitag, that will give you a good idea how this range can turn out.

Useful article from Thomo the Lost, over at Thomo's Hole, detailing some well thought through ideas about how to build up a suitable set of armies that can be used in a Dark Ages campaign, run under DBA v 3 or Basic Impetus v 2.

Over at Beasts of War, a review of Khurasan Miniatures latest releases in the (late) Medieval range.  (Ooooh, I shan't, I mustn't, I ...)

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Slingshot 324 is with the printers...

... and should land in your postboxes by mid-May.  Here is a list of the contents with a short summary of each article and the cover picture.



(Well, actually, not this time.  Sorry.)

DBA 3 - Improving the Simulation - by Joe Collins

Examines the historical role and efficacy of auxilia, pike phalanxes and archers generally and with particular reference to DBA v3

Coals to Newcastle: Playing Welsh DBA Lists in Wales - by Martin Smith

What it says on the tin - some great battle reports. Irresistible?

The Early Japanese Army: Reexamining the DBA 3.0 Army Lists - by Nicholas Spratt

Considers the Early Japanese lists in the context of the history of the formation of the Japanese state and military.

Battle Day Reports - by Roy Boss and Duncan Head

An overview of the Battle Day by Duncan Head along with an Armati battle report from the day by Roy Boss and others.

Simple Campaign for Danelaw Britain: A Solo or Programmed Campaign for DBA 3 - by Paul Stein

A very interesting article on campaigning in Danelaw Britain, which, though slanted towards DBA, can easily be applied to other rule sets and also provides a useful summary of the history of that era.

The Battle of Montgisard, 1177 AD - by Nicholas Harbud

Nicholas Harbud examines the little known Battle of Montgisard, the Kingdom of Jerusalem’s great victory against Saladin, and lays out a scenario for wargaming the battle (with any rule set).

Slingshot Figure Reviews: 40x40mm Isolated Tower - by Andreas Johansson

A review of a recent addition to the Baueda range that also includes some useful insights into completing, painting and enhancing the model.

Slingshot Book & Game Reviews
    • Two-handed Sword: History, Design & Use - reviewed by Anthony Clipsom
    • Antipater’s Dynasty - reviewed by Duncan Head;
    • Roman Legionaries, Soldiers of Empire - reviewed by Aaron Bell;
    • With Alexander in India & Central Asia - reviewed by Andreas Johansson;
    • Great Naval Battles of the Ancient Greek World - reviewed by John Drewienkiewicz.

    Sunday, May 5, 2019

    Society news & other items of (possible) interest to members as of: April 2019

    'FoGAM Rankings updated pre-Roll Call ' - hot off the press (well, warm, at least) - the FoGAM rankings have been updated on the BHGS website to include all competitions in the preceding 12 months prior to this year's Roll Call! Check your ranking and cheer or weep.

    'The Great Illyrian Revolt' - from Dave Watson, a short review of the eponymous book by author Jason Abdale, along with some additional insights into the topic.

    News of the ‘ALUMWELL WMMS Show’, held on 10th March in Wolverhampton, from the SoA’s ‘Shows North’ team.

    ‘Warlord Games Romans vs. Wargames Factory Romans’ - user comparison with some nice eye candy.

    ‘Encirclement or Breakout’ - last of an interesting series of posts by the Archduke Piccolo on using Bob Cordery’s ‘Portable Wargame’ ancients rules for Byzantines vs Bulgars.

    ‘Mithridates the Great’ - short discussion from Dave Watson about Mithridates as a wargaming opportunity, together with a brief comment on the book ‘Mithridates the Great’ (author, Philip Matyszak).

    ‘Picking on a pike block - but was it legal?’ - an interesting (and amicable) exchange on Fanaticus about the correct response to a complex flank & rear contacts situation under DBA (obviously - it's Fanaticus) . Fascinating. Definitely one for the geeks among us (yes you, I mean you there, get in line behind me).

    Thursday, January 3, 2019

    Slingshot 322 is with the printers...

    ...and should land in your postboxes by mid-January.

    Here is a list of the contents with a short summary of each article:



    The Debate on Egyptian dynasties continues. Did horses actually charge into infantry? More on War Wagons. Impressions of Slingshot 321.
    The Telamon Battle 225BC Battle Pack - 𝘣𝘺 𝘙𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘓𝘰𝘤𝘬𝘸𝘰𝘰𝘥
    Practical considerations for setting up the Telamon battle at Battle Day.
    The Campaign and Battle of Telamon - 𝘣𝘺 𝘋𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘥
    Duncan Head analyses the background, campaign and battle of Telamon and concludes that the Gallic generals were more savvy than they are usually given credit for.
    The Society’s UK DBA League - 𝘣𝘺 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘚𝘬𝘦𝘭𝘵𝘰𝘯
    DBA is alive and well in the UK with league competitions held across England and Wales.
    54mm - the Figure Scale of the Gods! - 𝘣𝘺 𝘚𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘕𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘦
    54mm Carthaginian figures that are fun to paint and look spectacular on the gaming table.
    Messing About in Boats - 𝘣𝘺 𝘎𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘰𝘯 𝘓𝘢𝘸𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦
    The Society's rules for Ancient naval combat, Corvus, is given an tryout with positive results.
    Atilius, Aemilius and a Lot of Gauls - 𝘣𝘺 𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴 𝘏𝘢𝘩𝘯
    Chris Hahn games Telamon using Armati and gets a game that is fun and historical.
    The Cham Army - 𝘣𝘺 𝘕𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘴 𝘚𝘱𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘵
    Going through the meagre evidence, Nicholas Spratt puts together a picture of the Cham army that shows it was different from its traditional enemy, the Khmer.
    Slingshot Figure Reviews
    Irregular Miniatures 2mm Ancients range. 15mm Vikings and Saxons by Legio Heroica.
     Slingshot Book and Game Reviews
    Augustus at War: the Struggle for the Pax Romana. The Black Prince and the Capture of a King.